Housewives Turned Slave Sluts
9KHousewives Turned Slave Sluts
Housewives Turned Slave Sluts. Once they were just ordinary housewives, but that was a very long time ago and their lives have most definitely changed unquestionably for the better. Back then, the likes of Nicol Wonder, Daisy Rock and Dorothy Black had to content themselves with just one cock. These days, multiple dicks are pretty much a must; as each and every one of these pleasure-seeking sluts go all out to enjoy as much hedonism as humanly possible. Not that they have to look very hard, it has to be said. After all, theres plenty of kinky guys who are only too eager and willing to provide them with the attention that they crave; and before you know it theyre each getting their holes stretched to the max, then taking a blizzard of jizz as a fitting reward!.